bugs v2.5.3
* Bug #536: Not released yet!!!
* Bug #551: Water bug
* Bug #552: glibc issue?
* Bug #553: Single shot camp rifle
* Bug #555: minstanex accurency calcul got wrong by secondary mode (laser)
* Bug #557: Joystick sensitivity not saved
* Bug #560: g_changeteam_banned
* Bug #563: Vote display can be abused
* Bug #566: black screen
* Bug #567: unvisible weapon
* Bug #568: can not use fire jump
* Bug #570: error r_water
* Bug #572: er_removepowerups
* Bug #574: er_flashlight
* Bug #575: er_glx_nosound
* Bug #576: er_delay reaction_weap.
* Patches #565: Smooth crosshair effects
bugs v2.5.5
* Bug #63: teleporter results in weird aiming
* Bug #178: Playercolors not reset on sv_defplay_fbskins_off
* Bug #217: Shared entities not networked during pause
* Bug #363: Score limit slider snaps back when changing gametypes
* Bug #374: Weapon model glitch after match has ended
* Bug #393: force models spam (UPDATE: now there is also a serious problem with the weapons)
* Bug #415: Crash when loading a map without worldspawn
* Bug #442: Patchmeshes do not respect shader properties: grenades bounce off of/explode on a patch mesh even if it is made of water!
* Bug #462: Sound problems while returning from being minimized
* Bug #504: timeout freezes the demo
* Bug #510: I can change weapons under countdown
* Bug #550: CVar that disables voting for X seconds after a map change
* Bug #556: "bot like" sounds to much like "god like"
* Bug #571: er_antilag
* Feature #4: Silvercity Reloaded
* Feature #18: FAQ needs cleanup
* Feature #149: Check whether join is allowed
* Feature #190: Changed teamselect dialog (now called Match window)
* Feature #195: CRC check for downloaded packages
* Feature #314: Nexuiz Server "Waiting List"
* Feature #316: CTF code needs some cleanup
* Feature #332: Waypoint Distance or Scaling in Onslaught
* Feature #346: Simple items
* Feature #366: Sound reverb / echo
* Feature #368: cheap shadows
* Feature #369: After damage effects (projectile type effects sticking to players after they've been hit)
* Feature #376: Disable votes
* Feature #377: Pendulum
* Feature #398: Higher accuracy race timer
* Feature #399: Race time stats on HUD
* Feature #422: Reset to defaults button in the menu
* Feature #427: history enhancements
* Feature #430: sv_maxidle improvements
* Feature #435: higher refresh rate for showfps
* Feature #444: No item respawning (respawntime -1)
* Feature #445: Triggered items
* Feature #446: Color, alpha, size and texture overrides for func_pointparticles
* Feature #478: Support for enhanced instructions (integers, pointers, arrays)
* Feature #502: HUD menu dialog should hide the rest of the menu
* Feature #506: Cvar for crosshair jumping on recoil
* Feature #507: Failover curl URL for package downloads
* Feature #513: Better join dialog
* Feature #518: Cvared 'ghost items'
* Feature #538: Sharper textures
* Feature #541: Microphone based chat
* Feature #542: Blunderbus gun
* Feature #543: Sheild weapon
* Feature #554: Move weapon accuracy stats to scoreboard menu
* Patches #196: demohistory
* Patches #234: Dual wielding mutator (work in progress)
* Patches #308: New cvars: g_balance_rocketlauncher_secondary_damage + radius
* Patches #333: "help" command
* Patches #465: Kascam
* Patches #491: sv_cmd mute & sv_cmd unmute
* Patches #503: Random patches
* Patches #508: Cvared fallback player model
* Patches #528: A new Nex mode
* Patches #529: Nex multi hit
* Patches #530: Stop a player calling another vote for X seconds
bugs v 2.6
* Bug #56: Black edges around refracting surface
* Bug #205: Some player models are too tall
* Bug #222: High Quality Water Reflections Have Foot Artifacts
* Bug #256: Movement jerky on platforms
* Bug #358: Players 'leak' through collision-based events at high speed
* Bug #489: sv_pogostick 0 has problems while holding in jump
* Bug #569: high HW
* Feature #153: Forced enemy model and color
* Feature #200: Mods window
* Feature #223: Kill Messaging Placement Controls
* Feature #237: Support for translated menu
* Feature #238: rcon/console chmap completion
* Feature #252: Feature request: Shader type killparticles
* Feature #281: Integrate Twig into Nexuiz
* Feature #334: Move cursor in text chat
* Feature #354: Spawn item command for sv_cheats 1?
* Feature #357: Demo playback controls
* Feature #405: Clip and Replace texture DarkPlaces setmodel command
* Feature #514: New Game Type (Keepaway)
* Feature #515: utf-8 and freetype
* Feature #544: Antigravity weapon
* Feature #564: Move bloom texture buffer to a FBO