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kuniu the frogg
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Side Admin

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PostSubject: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2012 5:46 am

Edit - 11 march 2013

This thread is about Prophets Xonotic Servers

Versions - Configs - Maps

Everything related to Prophets Duel Sanctuary - DeathMatch Temple - Runaway from Divination

From the beginning till present
  Very Happy 

At the moment I.m hosting a xonotic test server - but the movement feels strange and the mappool is pretty small ....

.... Thread splitted from:

Last edited by -maniac|Su- on Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:49 am; edited 62 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 14, 2012 6:54 am

Hello to you both, and thanks for hosting Su; it was fun.

The server was very smooth, though I feel it lacks chocolate cake Smile
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Clan Member

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2012 12:27 am

nice, a xonotic server =)

i have found a remake of red:

plus, on 1on1 server, i have seen a warfare remake...but i hope, the nexuiz maps will work well on your xon server as well. a lack of all those awesome 1on1 nexuiz maps would be a pity.

greets =)
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Side Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeThu Mar 15, 2012 1:29 am

jep - server is running

Mappool is: nearly the same as Nexuiz Server

You.ll find him under: (ProphetsClanServer) -minsta|> DM & Duell <|hook- hosted by Su [0.6.0]

Just the ammo pickup dosnt work well - always much to much ammo Razz

Opened a Thread here: .. but noone could help me atm .... Sad

Problem solved - its a bug in release ...

GreetZ Su
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Side Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2012 5:31 am

server.cfg for zypresse:

// A setting needs to be surrounded with " if it contains special
// characters like space, semicolon (seperates commands) or starts
// with // (begins a comment for the rest of the line or next
// semicolon).  While just "" means 'no/empty setting'.

// Everything has some sensible defaults so you do NOT really need to
// change anything.  But here are some settings you SHOULD change to
// make it 'YOUR' server.  IF so remove the // from the line start and
// change them to your liking.

sv_public 1   // 0 if the server should not be on the public servers list
sv_status_privacy 0// 1 hides IP addresses from "status" replies shown to clients, 0 shows them. Enables players to identify wellknown punks on your server OR is a thread to anonymity.. depending on your point of view :)
hostname "(ProphetsClanServer) -minsta|> DM & Duell <|hook- hosted by Su [$g_xonoticversion]"   // this name will appear on the server list (the $g_xonoticversion gets replaced with the current version)
sv_motd "(Prophets) - Providing eternal peace, instantly.\n\n\n^2visit:\n \n^xC70ProphetsMaps created by Banshee - Die Happy - Growl - Kringel - Lady Doom - Lost\n\n ----- \n\n ^7votable: ^1skinred ^7- ^2skingreen ^7- ^xC70skinorange^7 - ^4dm^7 - ^6duell\n\n^7Vote for Powerups: ^2pwr_on ^7- ^x777pwr_off  \n\n^7Common Votes: ^2restart fraglimit nextmap gotomap endmatch \n\n-----\n\n^7[^4dm^7] --- ^x50C12 Slots - Max. 8 Players & 4 Spectators\n\n^7[^6duell^7] -- ^x50C12 Slots - Max. 2 Players & 10 Spectators"   // this message (unless "") is displayed to players on connect


maxplayers 12   // number of players allowed on the server
port 26005   // the port used by the server
//bot_number 0   // number of bots to add
minplayers 2   // add bots if less then that number of players playing. MAKE SURE ITS LESS THEN maxplayers or people will get blocked by bots!
g_maxplayers 8 // above this player count, only allow spectators
set sv_autoscreenshot "0"


bot_prefix " ^1 [^xC70BOT^1] ^2 "   // prepend this to all botnames
bot_suffix " ^1 .^x50CProphets^1´ "   // append this to all botnames
skill 10   // the bots skill level

//log_file "server.log"   // server console output will also be copied to this file. This: "${serverconfig}.log" uses variable substitution to make the logfile have the same name as your config file with .log appended which is useful if you run several servers
//g_start_delay 15   // delay before the game starts to let players join the server first

// List of maps to play on the server.  Set to "" to autodetect (which would enumerate ALL maps.  Maps that don't support the current game mode will be skipped, so you don't need to remove them here.
g_maplist ""
//g_maplist "afterslime aggressor aqueous aneurysm_b2 azalea darkzone downer_final drain evilspace final-rage final_rage_repack hub3aeroq3a_nex_r1 Red red-planet runningman stormkeep warfare xoylent x-evilspaceremix_beta_04x-qg_beta05"//"afterslime dance g-23 glowplant leave_em_behind newtonian-nightmare nexballarena red-planet runningman space-elevator stormkeep techassault warehouses-b1 xoylent x-evilspaceremix_beta_04"
g_maplist_shuffle 1   // 0 always selects the next map out of g_maplist (but then better set g_maplist_votable 0 below to prevent repetitive votes), 1 will select random maps each time
g_maplist_mostrecent_count 3   // number of maps that have to be played before a map can be repeated
g_maplist_votable 9

// LIMITS: how long a match will last before the next map starts (-1 means use the map default, 0 = unlimited, please note that the variables fraglimit/timelimit can NOT be globally used for this but only DURING a match is being played)
timelimit_override 15   // global timelimit for all maps and gametypes
fraglimit_override 30   // global frag/point limit for all maps and gametypes
//g_ctf_capture_limit -1   // frag/capture limit for CTF
//capturelimit_override -1   // capture limit for CTF
//g_domination_point_limit -1   // frag/point limit for DOM
//g_runematch_point_limit -1   // frag/point limit for RUNE
//g_keyhunt_point_limit -1   // frag/point limit for KH
//g_lms_lives_override -1   // lives for LMS
//g_nexball_goallimit -1   // goals for NEXBALL

//g_ctf_win_mode 0   // CTF win mode: 0 = caps only, 1 = caps + points as tie breaker, 2 = points only
//g_ctf_ignore_frags 1   // set to 1 to ignore kills except for FC kills

// TEAMS for key hunt (change this to 2, 3, 4 to set a fixed keyhunt style)
//g_keyhunt_teams_override -1   // teams for KH

// GAME MODE: what type of server do you want to host?
// possible values: dm (deathmatch), tdm (team deathmatch), dom (domination), ctf (ctf), rune (runematch), lms (last man standing), arena (arena), kh (keyhunt), as (assault), ons (onslaught), race (race), nexball (nexball)
gametype dm

// Some settings you MIGHT want to change.  Again IF so remove the //
// from the line start and change them to your liking.

//don't forget to set rcon_secure 0 locally too...
rcon_secure 0
rcon_password "XXXXXXXX"
//net_address   // ONLY change this if you have problems with your server. Specifies the network interface used by the engine.  Set it you one of you internal IPs

//rcon_password ""   // you can use rcon if this password is set.  you need to set the same password in your client if you want to issue rcon commands
//rcon_restricted_password ""   // put here the password for a "restricted" rcon user (see below)

g_maplist_check_waypoints 0   // set this to 1 to skip maps without waypoints if there aren't enough players to play without bots

g_maplist_votable_suggestions 2   // number of suggestions to accept using the suggestmap command
//g_maplist_votable_abstain 0   // when 1, people get a "don't care" selection in the vote screen
//g_maplist_votable_nodetail 1   // when 1, people can't see how many voted for what (to thwart abusive "influential" first votes)

g_maplist_votable_timeout 15    // 16 seconds to vote for a map at the end of the map
g_maplist_votable_keeptwotime 10 // Display only 2 maps to choose from when there is only 5 seconds left

set "sv_vote_master_password" "XXXXXXXX"
// players can vote for these commands or use them if they are masters. You can also add 'g_grappling_hook' for hook voting, and 'sv_fbskin_green sv_fbskin_red sv_fbskin_orange sv_fbskin_off' for fbskin voting.

sv_vote_commands "pwr_off pwr_on skinred skingreen skinorange skinoff restart fraglimit nextmap gotomap endmatch extendmatchtime ready kick dm duell"
//possible commands addbot removebot pwr_invis pwr_speed pwr_health pwr_off pwr_on skinred skingreen //skinorange skinoff restart fraglimit gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime allready //ready kick cointoss dm duell

sv_vote_master_commands "movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink kickban g_spawnshieldtime" // add commands masters can use if logged in or elected. You may want to put 'kickban' here, so masters can keep out punks.
                                                                                          // It may be good to
also put "sv_status_privacy 0" then...
//rcon_restricted_commands "restart fraglimit chmap gotomap endmatch reducematchtime extendmatchtime
//allready kick kickban \"sv_cmd bans\" \"sv_cmd unban\" status \"sv_cmd teamstatus\" movetoteam_auto movetoteam_red movetoteam_blue movetoteam_yellow movetoteam_pink" // commands for the (stronger) rcon restricted

sv_vote_call 1  // 0 will disable the normal voting
sv_vote_master 1 // 0 will disable voting to become master, good if you prefer to use the master password instead
//sv_vote_majority_factor 0.5  // 0.666 will require a 2/3 majority instead of a regular 1/2 one
//sv_vote_simple_majority_factor 0      // 0.666 will win votes by a 2/3 majority of the VOTERS (not the players!)
//note: to JUST support simple majorities, set these two factors equal
sv_vote_timeout 45
sv_vote_wait 30

//sv_maxidle 0   // idle time in seconds after which players will get kicked

//sv_taunt 1   // 0 to disallow taunts
//sv_autotaunt 1   // 0 to disallow autotaunts

alias skinred "sv_fbskin_red 1"
alias skingreen "sv_fbskin_green 1"
alias skinorange "sv_fbskin_orange 1"
//alias skinoff "sv_fbskin_off 1"
//alias pwr_invis "g_powerup_shield 1"
//alias pwr_speed "g_powerup_strength 1"
//alias pwr_health "g_powerup_superhealth 1"
alias pwr_off "g_powerups 0"
alias pwr_on "g_powerups 1"
alias dm "g_maxplayers 8; g_antilag 1; set sv_autoscreenshot "0""
alias duell "g_maxplayers 2; g_antilag 2; set sv_autoscreenshot "1""

// Settings you MIGHT want to change for PRIVACY reasons.
// The settings here may impact your or your players' privacy and serve to
// optimize the game for further releases.
// Change them, or comment them out to turn them off.

// This line sends the following data to our servers:
// - Date and time
// - Your server IP address
// - Your server ID hash, which is a fingerprint of the public key of your
//  server and does not impact security of your private key (use "crypto_keys"
//  on the console to show it)
// - Your server name ("hostname")
// - Current game type
// - Current map
// - Balance settings you have modified from defaults (only those that make
//  your server "impure")
// - For each weapon pairing (A, B), separately for player-player, player-bot,
//  bot-player, bot-bot pairings:
//  - Number of hits of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
//  - Number of frags of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
//  - Total damage of players/bots holding A against players/bots holding B
// We use this data to:
// - Optimize the game balance for future releases
// - Identify problems in the bot AI and improving it
// - Find settings that make servers "impure" that should not, so we can
//  whitelist them in future releases
// We will or might publish:
// - Global weapon pairing statistics for players vs players, or bots vs bots,
//  or any vs any, on a selection of servers
// - Per-gametype and per-map weapon pairing statistics players vs players, or
//  bots vs bots, or any vs any, on a selection of servers
// - Lists of commonly changed cvars, together with counts on how often they
//  are modified
// No information about the players on the server is sent, so as a server admin
// you need no permission of your players for this.
// No information about your server will be published - all published data sets
// will include data from multiple servers.

// **********************
// **********************

sv_eventlog 1
timestamps 1
timeformat [%Y%M%D_%H%M:%S]
log_file ProphetsServer1on1.log
g_chat_flood_burst 5
g_chat_flood_burst_team 5
g_chat_flood_spl 0.5
g_chat_flood_spl_team 0.5

// Some more advanced settings.  You probably are not interested in changing them at all.

sys_ticrate 0.0333333   // change to 0.0166667 if your server can take the abuse, can make the game a bit more fluent

sv_ready_restart 1   // 1 to allow players to restart the map when all of them press the ready button
//sv_ready_restart_after_countdown 0   // if set to 1 the players and map items are reset after the countdown ended, otherwise they're reset already at the beginning of the countdown
//sv_ready_restart_repeatable 0   "allows the players to restart the game as often as needed
sv_autoscreenshot 0   // 1 will force a screenshot for all clients when the map ends.  Useful for competitions or the ladder.

g_antilag 1   // 0 to disable the antilag feature, 1 and 2 use different methods

sv_maxrate 1000000   // limits client connections to this rate in bytes/seconds

// see Docs/mapdownload.txt for more info
sv_curl_serverpackages "prophets_growlernex_v2b.pk3 prophets_growlernex_v2b.txt"
sv_curl_defaulturl http://XXXXXXXXX
//sv_curl_defaulturl   //fallback download URL

sv_defaultcharacter 1   // 1 will force a specific model for all players
sv_defaultplayermodel models/player/megaerebus.iqm   // this model will be used
//sv_defaultplayercolors 51 // this skin number will be forced for all players
//sv_defaultplayercolors ""   // you can even force player colors here (16*shirt+pants)
g_fullbrightplayers 1   // 1 to make players fullbright
g_fullbrightitems 1   // 1 to make items fullbright

//g_balance_teams 1   // 0 will show players the team selection menu after joining instead of automaticly putting them on the smaller team
//g_balance_teams_force 0   // 1 to automaticly balance teams even during a game

g_ban_sync_uri "" // sync bans using this ban list provider (disabled by default, uncomment this line to enable)
//g_ban_sync_trusted_servers "" // accept bans that were initially set on the server IPs listed here (if not set, your bans are just sent to the sync URIs, but no bans are retrieved from there)

g_spawnshieldtime 1.2   // time for which players are protected after spawn
sv_adminnick "(Prophets) Nexuiz 2.5.2 server"

// "Obvious" mutators that are allowed on a "pure" server
g_minstagib 1   // set to 1 for MinstaGib
//g_weapon_stay 0 // set to 1, 2 or 3 for different weapon-stay modes (1 = traditional, 2 = no ammo but allow throwing, 3 = ghost weapon stay)
g_powerups 0 // set to 0 to turn off strength/quad and shield/invincible, and set to 1 to turn them on even in game modes that normally have them turned off

// WARNING: anything below this line makes your server "impure"!

// enable some mutators you'd like
//g_cloaked 0   // set to 1 for transparent hard to see players
g_footsteps 0
g_grappling_hook 1   // set to 1 to enable the hook (allowed on "pure" server in MinstaGib)
//g_jetpack 0   // set to 1 to enable the jetpack (allowed on "pure" server in MinstaGib)
//g_laserguided_missile 0   // set to 1 for laser guided missiles in the RL
//g_midair 0   // set to 1 to make only midair damage count
//g_vampire 0   // set to 1 to give players the damage they cause as health
//sv_gravity 800   // for low gravity, set this somewhere between 50 and 400
g_balance_minstanex_refire 0.8

// How much ammo?
g_minstagib_ammo_drop 2.5 // must set because bug in Xonotic
g_pickup_cells_weapon 2.5  // must set because bug in Xonotic
//g_minstagib_ammo_drop 5
g_minstagib_ammo_start 12
g_use_ammunition 1
//g_balance_minstanex_ammo 5

//sv_airaccelerate 4.0 // default 5.5
//sv_accelerate 15 // default 8.0
//sv_maxairspeed 240 // default 220
//sv_maxspeed 450 //
//g_minstagib_speed_moverate 1.25
//g_minstagib_speed_jumpheight 1.8
//sv_jumpspeedcap_max 5
g_forced_respawn 1
g_respawn_delay 0.8
g_warmup 0
//g_warmup_limit 30
//g_balance_grapplehook_speed_pull 2500
g_playerstats_uri ""

// select AT MOST one of these arena mutators (if you didn't select g_minstagib)
//g_nix is "0" ["0"] No Items Xonotic - instead of pickup items, everyone plays with the same weapon. After some time, a countdown will start, after which everyone will switch to another weapon, and so on
//g_nix_with_healtharmor is "0" ["0"] when 1, health and armor still show up in NIX
//g_nix_with_laser is "0" ["0"] always carry the laser as an additional weapon in NIX
//g_nix_with_powerups is "0" ["0"] when 1, powerups still show up in NIX

Hope it is usefull

GreetZ Su

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Forums Moderator

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2012 5:42 am

thx =)
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Side Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2012 7:02 am

Had to change the map pool of the xonotic server again because not all maps are compatible ... No Razz

The map pool is now:

5th_v2 79drdm5_beta2 above afterslime aggressor aneurysm_b2 aqueous atelier azalea base2010 bloodrage_v2 claustrophobia CMP1-dm6 darkcity darkzone deathstar_r3 district18DM downer_final drain DuelingKeeps evilspace factory farewell_laserfun final_rage g-23 glowplant grim grim_dirty handsofgod Impulse kringel_telescope_b1 maze monolith nowhere_r2 pukka3dm2 pushmoddm1 q3dm17ish quimera Red red-planet reflection revdm1 revdm3 runningman shdwdm1 solarium somewhere steelspace_revisited steelspace_v4 steelstation stormkeep subhumandm1 temple trans warfare x-evilspaceremix x-qg xoylent

GreetZ Su
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kuniu the frogg

kuniu the frogg

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2012 8:04 am

oh hi, great to see you're still around guys, thanks for hosting a server Su, i will try to hop in as often as possible and help populating it.
About maps, some of them are rather too big for 1v1, red planet, atelier, claustophobia are for sure, glowplant and afterslime might be too big too
(lol i don't recognize some of those maps from your list...)
great to see some nexuiz oldies active in xonotic (by "oldies" i mean long experience, not the exact age (happy birthday Su btw (it seems we're at the same age btw)))

EDIT: oh, the server is also DM, not 1v1 only, dumb me...
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Side Admin

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 16, 2012 8:27 am

THX Lucas clown

and yes - there are different modes to play:

votable: skinred - skingreen - skinorange - dm - duel
Vote for Powerups: pwr_on - pwr_off
Common Votes: restart fraglimit nextmap gotomap endmatch

[dm] ---- 12 Slots - Max. 8 Players & 4 Spectators
[duel] -- 12 Slots - Max. 2 Players & 10 Spectators

GreetZ Su

Last edited by -maniac|Su- on Sat Mar 17, 2012 10:13 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSat Mar 17, 2012 2:44 am

+++edit +++

added 2 maps: -> farewell bounce & aether_prerelease

and changed the votes for dm & duel:

dm -> g_maxplayers 8; g_antilag 1; g_warmup 0; restart; set sv_autoscreenshot "0"
means -> 8 Players can play - antilag by client - no warmup - no screenshot

duel -> g_maxplayers 2; g_antilag 2; g_warmup 1; restart; set sv_autoscreenshot "1"
means -> 2 Players can play - antilag by server - warmup till ready - screenshot taken at end of match

+++edit 2 +++
added 4 maps: evilspace - soylent - slimepit - reslimed (repacked them by myself) and they works bounce
now got the good old playing feeling Very Happy Shocked

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2012 10:39 pm

.... after a lot of hardwork the configuration of Xonotic server is nearly finished bounce Twisted Evil

The two modes duel or dm working good.
Which mode is active will shown when you press i for information (Current Active Mode:).
Spawnshield is 1.2 sec. It will turnoff earlier when you fire.


In duel mode there is a countdown to start match - warmup is deleted (to much time to wait than to play Rolling Eyes )
A screenshot is taken automatically in this mode.

MapPool in duel mode is reduced to:
3 afterslime aggressor aneurysm_b base2010 basement bloodprison darkcity darkzone evilspace farewell farewell_laserfun final_rage handsofgod pushmoddm1 q3dm17ish Red stormkeep Soylent toxic trans warfare xoylent

In dm just play - no warmup - no screenshots - no countdown.

Full MapPool is in this mode available:
3 5th_v2 79drdm5_beta2 above aether afterslime aggressor aneurysm_b2 aqueous atelier azalea base2010 basement bleach bloodprison bloodrage_v2 claustrophobia CMP1-dm6 darkcity darkzone deathstar_r3 desertfactory district18DM downer_final drain dubneoc DuelingKeeps evilspace factory farewell farewell_laserfun final_rage g-23 glowplant grim grim_dirty hagburgh_r1 handsofgod Impulse klzegypt kringel_telescope_b1 maze monolith nowhere_r2 potd pukka3dm2 pushmoddm1 q3dm17ish quimera red red-planet reflection reslimed revdm1 revdm3 runningman shdwdm1 slimepit solarium somewhere soylent steelspace_revisited steelspace_v4 steelstation stormkeep subhumandm1 temple toxic trans warfare x-evilspaceremix x-qg xoylent


Hope you all have fun playing on the Server ...

+++ Help needed +++

No all maps - at most Banshee´s maps - working well on Xonotic. (shame on you Mr. LoverLover Wink )
On 3 and both Steelspace maps there are missing some textures - on Grim, Grim_dirty dosnt work the deathly bottom ... Sad
Maybe a map-specialist could help here to repack the maps.
I can post the error messages from server console if necessary ...

For suggestions or wishes feel free to post or pm me. cyclops

GreetZ to all

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Forums Moderator

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSun Mar 18, 2012 11:25 pm

Maybe there is a mapper wit a little bit time.

Post the server logfile and maybe someone will take a look on it.
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Inactiv Clan Member

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2012 3:07 am

So... is everybody playing Xonotic now? I'm not sure, because I haven't been online very much lately.
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeMon Mar 19, 2012 5:45 am

hey Holger

the main fault seems to be this one:

WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/steelspace_revisited.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/steelspace_revisited.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/steelspace_v4.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/steelspace_v4.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/steelstation.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/steelstation.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/subhumandm1.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/subhumandm1.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map temple contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map temple contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map temple contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map temple contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]Map toxic contains the legacy 'type' keyword which is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please migrate the mapinfo file to 'gametype'.
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/trans.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/trans.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]WARNING: autogenerated mapinfo file maps/autogenerated/warfare.mapinfo has been loaded; please edit that file and move it to maps/warfare.mapinfo
[20122703/18/12_1927:24]MapInfo_Type_FromString (probably x-qg): using deprecated name 'keepaway'. Should use 'ka'.
All maps have this error not only steelspace ...
The big problem is there are missnig the standard textures which not shipped by Xonotic only by Nexuiz.
On grim & grim_dirty the bottom not works propper - on Nexuiz it will harm your healthy in Xonotic nothing happens when stepping on the ground - another fault is: Everytime you use the jumppads in this maps a author info (created by Banshee) apear on the screen - this should only happen at start of the map.

ThX for your help I love you


hey j0n3s
nono - not everybody plays Xonotic only - but it.s a new toy and more interessting than the old toy (nexuiz)
but imho we should give Xonotic a try now - and when you like it you can choose which game you.ll play.
For me I feel good with Xonotic and will try it more often - but sometimes I.ll play Nexuiz
I.ll host both server Xonotic and Nexuiz as well furthermore.

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 8:28 am

+++ Information +++

Set the spawnshied on server to 0.7 sec --- g_spawnshieldtime 0.7

Now it.s below the Refirerate of the MinstaNex 0.8 sec --- g_balance_minstanex_refire 0.8

... so Spwanshield prevent you in Duel only for the first shot ... Twisted Evil affraid

GreetZ Su
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kuniu the frogg

kuniu the frogg

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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 9:12 pm

Su, this is that nexcompat i was talking about on server some time ago, put this in xonotic/data and all nexuiz maps should work. I has all the textures and models. The problem is, not everybody has it, as this is not included in xonotic 0.6 by default, so players need to download it on their own.
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 9:27 pm

thankies Lucas .. bounce

but I solved the poblem with textures in another way:

Just packed a textures.pk3 which is shipped with sv_curl_serverpackages

Now the prophets maps should be work for all player - the package is ~50 mb so it needs a bit time to download Razz Rolling Eyes

Anyway ...

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeWed Mar 21, 2012 9:54 pm

Ben did the second strike .... Surprised bounce

The next Xonotic Server has appeared on the horizon:

Take a look at: for (prophets) 1on1 Sanctuary [Minsta|Hook] 0.6.0autobuild

Good work Ben & Thank you Thank you Thank you cheers cheers What a Face

btw. would be nice to get some informations about server configuration (spawnshield, refire rate, votes, etc.) Wink

GreetZ Su

btw. Did anyone know how to create a server note like: Welcome to ProphetsClanServer blah blah which shown (in chat) when a player connect? - done with help.cfg
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2012 6:47 am

+++ Information +++

in duel mode is set: g_chat_nospectators 2
which means the players didn.t see/notice the chat from the spectators

To speak from a spectator to a player you have to use tell #

in dm mode settings are normal - everybody can read chat

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeThu Mar 22, 2012 11:47 pm

I just met Carnage on one of our servers Smile Pretty cool she's back again, didn't know that.
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeFri Mar 23, 2012 1:10 am

Well, the settings on my server are not final yet. I tried to copy as much as possible from the nexuiz-settings, but things are still quite different. For now spawnshield is 1 sec and refire rate is 0.7. Regarding votes: never testet Smile but its all the standard stuff.
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSun Apr 01, 2012 2:01 am

+++ Information +++ done a few changes on Xon-Server:
set g_respawn_delay 2.0 ----- I think its better in duel - so the oppunent dosn.t respawn next to you immediately Rolling Eyes

Mappool increased

- dm now:
3 5th_v2 79drdm5_beta2 above aether afterslime aggressor aggressorx ame7q3tny1 aneurysm_b2 aqueous atelier atomforge azalea base2010 basement bleach bloodprison bloodrage_v2 campgrounds_beta4 chess chronosphere cht3_nex_r1 claustrophobia CMP1-dm6 cpm17_nex_r1 darkcity darkzone deathstar_r3 desertfactory district18DM downer_final drain dubneoc DuelingKeeps evilspace factory farewell farewell_laserfun final_rage fracture_b1 g-23 glowplant Graveyard grim grim_dirty Guantanamo hagburgh_r1 handsofgod haven hub3aeroq3a_nex_r1 hyperspace Impulse kazdm5 kaznexdm1 klzegypt kringel_telescope_b1 little_trouble mausoleum maze mentalspace monolith Mortarfun nowhere_r2 ospdm10_nex_r1 p-fun potd pukka3dm2 pushmoddm1 q3dm17ish quimera red red-planet reflection reslimed revdm1 revdm3 ruiner runningman shdwdm1 skyway slimepit solarium somewhere soylent space-fun starship steelspace_revisited steelspace_v4 steelstation stormkeep subhumandm1 temple tomb toxic trans warfare x-evilspaceremix x-qg xoylent

- duel now:
3 aether aggressor ame7q3tny1_nex aneurysm_b atomforge base2010 basement bloodprison darkcity darkzone evilspace farewell farewell_laserfun final_rage fracture_b1 handsofgod hub3aeroq3a_nex_r1 kazdm5 p-fun ospdm10_nex_r1 pushmoddm1 q3dm17ish Red revdm3 ruiner stormkeep Soylent toxic trans warfare xoylent

Quite enough for the moment I think What a Face

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSat Apr 07, 2012 8:09 am

... with help by qbit (chris) I could upload a fully Xonotic compatible Prophets_Growlernex ... cyclops

If anyone is interested its downloadable here:

Just drop it in your data folder - its also a curl_serverpackages on server ...

I wanna thank qbit here very very much ... cheers

GreetZ Su
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2012 7:55 am

in order to have the best xonotic gaming experience on the best xonotic minsta servers - those from su and zypresse Very Happy - please vote for my bugtickets What a Face

forum discussion:

bugticket 1:
bugticket 2:
bugticket 3:

can't await those things to be fixed bounce

greets, tanya

ps: pretty cool, su, i'll check out the growlernex as fast as possible alien
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PostSubject: Re: Xonotic Server News   Xonotic Server News Icon_minitimeSun Apr 08, 2012 7:20 pm

Tnank you Tanya for the information ... Very Happy voted for fix up the "bugs" in thread as well.

Never thought it is so much work to configure the server well balanced (particularly for me as an non-server-profi) Rolling Eyes

At least a problem to configure the server for Xonotic Leaderboard. In this case I have no clue what to do in the moment.
I switched Xonotic version from 0.6.0 to version 0.6.0 autobuild but it doesn.t help.
Even opened a thread on Xonotic forum - but got no help till now:

So maybe anyone have a idea to fix this .... Question Idea

GreetZ Su
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